
Early Warnings of Heart Disease You Shouldn’t Ignore

Early Warnings of Heart Disease You Shouldn’t Ignore

Heart disease is a broad category of conditions that can affect your heart. People usually relate potentially fatal heart attacks to coronary artery disease (CAD), the most common type of heart disease. However, you may experience issues with various parts of the heart including the electrical system, valves, or cardiac muscle.

Numerous individuals, both male and female, have received a diagnosis of heart or circulatory disease. Few of the causes of heart disease include scarring of the heart muscle, heart artery disease, genetic problems, renal function issues, infections, thyroid problems, rheumatic disease, aging, injury to part of your heart, pregnancy, high blood pressure, etc. However, what warning signs and heart problem symptoms should we be aware of that could point to a possible cardiac issue? A few warning indicators that may indicate it’s time to see a cardiologist for heart disease treatment are discussed in further detail below.

Chest Pain

Although chest pain that may appear as tightness, pressure, or heaviness in the chest, is commonly associated with heart attacks, it can also indicate other serious medical conditions. Chest pain that becomes worse with physical activity but goes away when you relax is more likely to be angina.

Feeling Sick

While not every moment of nausea is indicative of a heart attack, red flags should go up if you’re also experiencing pain. Seeking medical attention right away is necessary if you feel sick and have severe chest pain, even when you are just sitting around.

Shortness of Breath

When the heart ineffectively pumps blood, clotting of blood occurs in veins that flow blood from lungs to heart. Therefore, breathing problems, one of the main signs of heart failure, comes on due to fluid leak in the lung tissue.

Indigestion or Stomach Pain

You may feel burning or indigestion-like discomfort in your chest or abdomen that may extend to below to the belly area, indicating a heart attack or other heart-related issue.

Coughing or Wheezing

Continuous coughing or wheezing is another sign that fluid is building up in your lungs. You may also cough up pink or red mucus.

Heavy Sweating

Breaking into sweat after heavy workout in gym or on a particularly hot day is not a cause for concern. However, having chest discomfort and feeling hot and sweating indicates that you need to contact for diagnosis.

Swelling in the Legs, Ankles, or Feet

Swelling in lower limb, or edema, indicated issues in cardiac health. When the functioning of your heart isn’t proper, the blow flow in the veins of your legs slows downs or reverses itself. This may cause fluid retention as a result swelling in legs, ankles or feet.

Extreme Fatigue

You may experience lightheadedness or extreme fatigue along with chest pain during a heart failure. Consult a cardiologist if you start feeling really exhausted without any physical exertion.

Fast or Uneven Heartbeat (Palpitations)

Your heart may race to keep up if it is unable to pump blood as effectively. Your pulse can be pounding or racing. An arrhythmia may also appear if you experience rapid or irregular heartbeat, an issue with the rhythm or your heart rate.

Safeguard your heart health by recognizing these early warning signs of a cardiac condition. Learn more about the best heart disease treatments by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Rishi Bhargava, a reputable consultant interventional cardiologist in Navi Mumbai, along with management of risk factors that you are unable to improve.