
Medication Advice For Various Heart Diseases

Whether your diagnosis is the result of inescapable genetics, long-standing habits, or more likely a little of both, you will probably need to make some major changes in order to improve health of your heart and live a longer, more comfortable life. Medications and interventional procedures exist to help your heart function more like it should by making your new dietary and lifestyle habits like eating better and progressive exercising.
Your medication treatment plan will be planned out according to how your heart disease affects your cardiovascular system. Not all heart disease are same, therefore it is not all that are treated the same way. Tremendous advances have been made in the use of medicines to treat many heart conditions. Medication can help prolong lifespan, lessen symptoms that interfere with your daily activities, and prevent some heart diseases from getting worse.

Medications that are commonly used in the treatment of heart diseases include

  • Anticoagulants, or blood thinners, that decrease the clotting ability of the blood, are used to treat certain heart, blood vessel and heart rhythmic conditions. These medicines help prevent harmful blood clots from forming in the blood vessels or in heart, and may prevent clots from becoming bigger and causing more serious problems
  • Beta-blockers medicines work by decreasing the heart rate and eliminate the effects of adrenaline on the heart. This can help lower blood pressure so the heart has to do less work.
  • Digitalis medicine can help the heart contract harder when its pumping function has been lowered or weakened.
  • Cholesterol-lowering medicines, like statins, reduce the levels of LDL (the bad) cholesterol in the blood. .
  • Diuretics, also known as water pills, get rid of the body from excess fluids and sodium through urination, helping to relieve the heart’s workload. These pills also decrease the backup of fluid in the lungs and other parts of the body, such as ankles and legs.
  • Calcium channel blockers interrupt calcium movement into the cells of the blood vessels and heart. This medicines help relax the blood vessels and lower the heart rate.
  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors expand blood vessels and decrease resistance by reducing levels of hormones that regulate blood pressure, allowing easy blood through the body.

Please know that explanation given above are just basic information to simplify action of the medicines while their actual mechanism may be complex and different.

If our cardiologist thinks that a drug therapy program can benefit your health, we put together a treatment plan that is specific to the condition, the age, the general health and other medications the patient may be taking to help you recover and prevent additional or major cardiac event.